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An after school enrichment we’re sure parents will LOVE!

At Poncho Spanish,


we believe that learning a new language


is like embarking on a treasure hunt for cultural gems.

Each word, phrase, and expression


unveils a richness that goes beyond language.


it's a journey into the heart of different cultures!

Join us in celebrating the magic of cultural exploration


through language learning.

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A high-quality solution for schools not yet teaching Spanish and support for schools already teaching the language!


We offer live online lessons (at home)


We use Zoom for the sessions.


Our sessions are 50-min long.

Modern foreign languages like Spanish, French and German are really useful to know –


not just for visiting counties that speak those languages,


but employers increasingly see language skills as highly desirable.


The British Council also identified that Spanish, Mandarin, French, Arabic, and German


are the top five priority languages to improve the UK’s skills, security and influence in the world.

Spanish is the official language in 21 countries.


About 400 million people in the world speak Spanish as their first language.



The demand for Spanish courses has doubled world-wide in ten years.



Approximately another 100 million people speak Spanish as a second language.



Spanish is expected to be the first language of 50% of the population of the United States within 50 years.



Spanish is the most popular foreign language to learn in America and Europe.



Today Spanish is an official language of the UN and its institutions, the European Union and other international institutions.



The Spanish language is used world-wide on the Internet.



Latin American countries are experiencing constant economic growth and because of that, are becoming more important as trading partners.

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